> CASE 2 > A 32-year-old man is involved in a motor vehicle accident. He used three-point restraints and was driving a sedan. The driver of a pickup truck ran a stop sign while going at approximately 45 mi/h (mph) and broadsided (T-boned) the patient’s vehicle on the driver’s side. The patient has multiple injuries, including a displaced fracture of the left humerus. He complains of an inability to open his left hand and loss of sensation to a portion of his left hand. > > ⯈ What is the most likely diagnosis? > ⯈ What is the likely mechanism of the injury? > ⯈ What portion of the left hand is likely to have sensory deficit? > > ANSWERS TO CASE 2: > > Radial Nerve Injury > Summary: A 32-year-old man is involved in a motor vehicle accident that causes a displaced fracture of the left humerus. He has motor and sensory losses to his left hand. > • Most likely diagnosis: Injury to the radial nerve as it spirals around the humerus, resulting in an inability to extend the wrist or fingers and loss of sensation of the hand > • Likely mechanism: Stretch or crush injury to the radial nerve as it spirals around the midshaft of the humerus > • Likely location of sensory deficit: Radial (lateral) side of the dorsum of the hand and dorsum of the thumb and index and middle digits > > https://medical-phd.blogspot.com/